Maybe you...
➡️ Want to be a coach, but you don’t feel like an expert…
➡️ You have a million ideas, so it’s hard to pick a niche…
➡️ You want to help people transform their lives but are not exactly sure how…
➡️ And you're not sure if you could get clients because you don't have a big social following.
Maybe you...
➡️ Want to be a coach, but you don’t feel like an expert…
➡️ You have a million ideas, so it’s hard to pick a niche…
➡️ You want to help people transform their lives but are not exactly sure how…
➡️ And you're not sure if you could get clients because you don't have a big social following.
❌ Having thousands of followers…
❌ Feeling like an impostor…
❌ Posting every day…
❌ Having to pay for ads, bots, or followers…
❌ Or spending hours per day on social media…
❌ Having thousands of followers…
❌ Feeling like an impostor…
❌ Posting every day…
❌ Having to pay for ads, bots, or followers…
❌ Or spending hours per day on social media…
❌ Your program is unclear & you don't know where to start
❌ You don't have a proven system to attract high-paying clients on demand.
✅ Create a signature coaching program that stands out from the rest
(even if you don't feel like one yet).
✅ Launch your 1st high-ticket offer & attract high-paying clients
(Even if you're scared of selling and posting on social media).
❌ Your program is unclear & you don't know where to start
❌ You don't have a proven system to attract high-paying clients on demand.
✅ Create a signature coaching program that stands out from the rest
(even if you don't feel like one yet).
✅ Launch your 1st high-ticket offer & attract high-paying clients
(Even if you're scared of selling and posting on social media).
I am the creator of the Launch your Niche Accelerator.
I can confidently say that finding my clear & profitable niche, & putting my passion for helping people into a system, CHANGED MY LIFE.
I went from having no clarity, no structure, & no income in my inspiring coaching business...
To having a clear & profitable niche, a signature program…
And enough cash flow in my business to leave my 9-5 job and become a FULL-TIME COACH.
Now I get to wake up every day, serving the people I feel like I was CALLED TO SERVE…
And it’s all because I got CLEAR on my NICHE & put the systems in my business to help me get ongoing clients.
And because I want you to experience that same transformation…
I’ve taken everything I’ve learned & put it into a step-by-step system so you can serve clients faster & launch your coaching business successfully in 90 days or less!
I am the creator of the Launch your Niche Accelerator.
I can confidently say that finding my clear & profitable niche, & putting my passion for helping people into a system, CHANGED MY LIFE.
I went from having no clarity, no structure, & no income in my inspiring coaching business...
To having a clear & profitable niche, a signature program…
And enough cash flow in my business to leave my 9-5 job and become a FULL-TIME COACH.
Now I get to wake up every day, serving the people I feel like I was CALLED TO SERVE…
And it’s all because I got
put the systems in
my business to help me
get ongoing
And because I want you
to experience that same transformation…
I’ve taken everything I’ve learned & put it into a step-by-step system so you can serve clients faster & launch your coaching business successfully in 90 days or less!
You can expect to start seeing results within 3 months. Upon enrollment you will have access to the program for 6 months. You will be working with a coach 1-1 for 3 months. This is intentional so you can take massive action on your coaching business. At the end of coaching & curriculum access, you will have an option to renew.
You get access to the program immediately upon enrollment. You will get started with your coach right away. You have 3 months with your 1-1 coach. You have 6 months access to the curriculum.
Nope! All you need is your passion, knowledge, & experience. I will teach you step-by-step, how to find your niche, create your program, & launch your 1st high ticket offer!
Your 1-1 coach will be your companion to help you ever step of the way! You are also surrounded with a like minded community of other coaches who are just like you. At the beginning of the week Rocky goes live to help you set up your calendar for the week, & at the end of the week she goes lives to answer any additional questions you have. You are surrounded with support.
Welcome to the program. My bonus workshop creating our organization method: 3- to- Thrive
Find your niche: The problem you solve your story niche, niche statement
3 biggest pain points, 3 biggest desires, and your avatar name
Market research: Let's study the method & success rate of your competitors. Who is profitable in your niche & how are they doing it.
You’ll get ALL of this backed with our “Do the Work” 30 Day Money back guarantee.
The Launch your Niche Coaching Program works… if you show up!
If you’re showing up & doing all of the work & you find that
It’s not for you
If you already knew everything
It’s just not a fit.
Then we will refund you the entire amount & you get to keep the materials you have accomplished.